Released on March 07, 2025
- Rankings: Fixed a bug with the MSS rankings where a players rank could be compared to the wrong normalized ranks.
- Rankings: Updated how the MSS ranking was calculated to account for the amount of growth for each step.
- Rankings: Added a new chart to MSS pages showing each persons MSS rank for each tick.
- Pillage Calculator: Added the new pillage formula for game version 4.6. This may change if the formula updates before the server starts.
Released on March 04, 2025
- Rankings: Fixed a bug on the MSS listing page where rounds would not be in the correct order.
Released on March 03, 2025
- Rankings: Added a search bar to the server listing page to help make finding a specific server easier.
- Rankings: Fixed a bug on the MSS listing page that would incorrectly total the round stats.
- Cost Calculator: Updated the cost calculator to include an optional checkbox that will include the tech required for shipyards needed to build the pre-selected ship.
Released on October 09, 2024
- Battle Calculator: Fixed a very rare rounding bug that would incorrectly calculate debris.
Released on October 07, 2024
- Site: Adjustments to the API to address the random timeout issues (long calculations).
Released on October 02, 2024
- Rankings: Added A new button for player/guild charts called "Account Age" that narrows the charts down to just the time the account or guild was active.
- Rankings: Renamed the "All Time" button to "Server Age" as it shows the chart for the entirety of the servers age.
- Rankings: Fixed an issue where occasionally the guild members list would only show 0's for members growth changes.
- Rankings: Removed all Fleet Maintenance rankings and stats for version 4.5.
Released on September 19, 2024
- Site: Changed how the site is hosted so it now loads faster.
- Rankings: Added better messaging and handling of server lists that contain no information.
- Rankings: Added the ability to search and sort the player/guild lists before the data has finished loading.
Released on September 07, 2024
- Rankings: Fixed a bug with the compare tool that would cause an infinite page load when picking a player or guild.
Released on August 30, 2024
- Distance Calculator: Fixed a bug where select ship speeds would not always be properly displayed if a non v4 version was set.
- Battle Calculator: Added a total fleet size for the attacker and defender in the fleet title above the unit tables.
Released on August 30, 2024
- Rankings: Update the compare tool to use a new custom multi select for the players, guilds and NPC select inputs.
- Rankings: Updated the compare tool so that it loads the initial data for the server faster and a few other performance improvements.
- Max Fleet Supported Calculator: Updated the max fleet supported calculation to use the new value of prod * 2500 instead of prod * 3000.
- Distance Calculator: Fixed a bug where on page load the Anti Gravity input would show if Death Stars were not selected as part of the shared URL.
- Distance Calculator: Updated the server location select to use a new custom select.
- Distance Calculator: Changed the Ship Speed input to use a new custom multi select.
- Fleet Rallied: Updated the server and guild selects to use the new custom multi select input.
- Derb Split Calc: Updated the option selects to use the new custom select input.
- Site: Updated the game version selector to use the new custom select.
Released on August 19, 2024
- Detection Calculator: Updated the calculation to account for the change in version 4.5.
- Level Calculator: Added a game version selector to the calculator.
- Level Calculator: Updated the calculation for the changes in version 4.5.
- Game Tables: Added game version 4.5 as an option to see the changes.
- Game Tables: Added a new comparison game version selector so any version can be compared to any other version.
- Max Fleet Supported Calculator: Added a new calculator for figuring the maximum fleet that can be supported based on your empires production.
- Enter the total production to see the maximum fleet size allowed.
- Site: Added options for game version 4.5 to all relevant calculators.
Released on August 14, 2024
- Distance Calculator: Fixed a bug where shared links were not loading the data correctly.
Released on August 13, 2024
- Site: Additional performance improvements.
Released on August 12, 2024
- Distance Calculator: Fixed a bug where no server location could be selected if the game version was set to speed and all speed servers are currently closed.
- Game Tables: Fixed an issue where the default version being shown was speed.
- Site: Potential fix for some performance issues.
- Site: Potential fix for the random language changing. (This issue is very difficult to reproduce so hard to know exactly what is causing it)
Released on August 09, 2024
- Fleet Rallied: Fixed an issue where the custom threshold inputs would not update the coloring of the listed fleet.
Released on August 06, 2024
- Distance Calculator: Fixed errors that would happen if there was a space left at the front or end of a location.
- Distance Calculator: Fixed an issue where some shared links would set gate/commander levels to blank which would break the display of launch times on the page.
- Site: Change how input changes are triggered for a better user experience. They will now trigger after the text box is no longer selected rather than while still being interacted with.
Released on July 25, 2024
- Site: The new design exits beta and replaces the existing site!
- Site: Fixed an error with redirecting old calc links to their new paths.
- Battle Calculator: Fixed an bug where loot was not calculated correctly on speed servers.
Released on July 24, 2024
- Pillage Calculator: Fixed an error with calculating recovery time for speed servers.
- Fleet Rallied: Added a fleet missing column to the player list to see exactly how much fleet each player has not rallied.
- Fleet Rallied: Added an optional text field where the guild member list can be pasted in and the tool will use the total fleet from that list instead of from the rankings.
Released on July 20, 2024
- Battle Calculator: Fixed an issue where loot would not be displayed on speed version battle reports.
- Cost Calculator: Added a new calculator for figuring out the total cost of technologies and commanders.
- Total commander cost calculator that will tell you the total xp/credit cost to train a commander to a specified level as well as total time to do that training.
- Total tech cost level where a technology can be specified and that tech, plus all of its pre-requisites, will be added up to find the total cost, time to research and number of labs needed.
- The tech cost will also generate a list of steps for building labs and researching levels of tech to have a full step by step guide for researching to a specific technology.
- A research commander level can be specified to discount the tech cost by that amount and have the numbers adjusted.
- A preset dropdown contains a list of all ships,defenses and structures that when selected will set all tech to the needed requirements and calculate the cost to get that item.
Released on July 10, 2024
- Rankings: Fixed an issue with the growth stats (24h, 48h, 72h, week) that would sometimes incorrectly include earlier stats than it should.
- Distance Calculator: Adjusted the amount the wormhole speed bonus is adjusted when using the arrows on the input to 50.
- Distance Calculator: Changed the start and end location inputs to be regular text fields instead of formatted fields. There were issues with the formatted fields not being as easy to edit.
- Distance Calculator: Fixed a bug where the JG speed was set to 100% instead of 70% for speed servers.
- Distance Calculator: Fixed a bug where the the distance was incorrectly calculated for speed servers.
- Debris Split Calc: Changed the start location inputs to be a regular text field instead of a formatted filed. There were issues with the formatted fields not being as easy to edit.
Released on July 8, 2024
- Game Tables: Added support for speed server differences in the game tables.
- Battle Calculator: Added speed server as a game version option, this will adjust the entered pillage values.
- Distance Calculator: Added speed server as a game version option with adjusted ship speeds.
- Pillage Calculator: Added speed server as a game version option that adjusts the pillages to account for the difference in a speed server.
Released on June 27, 2024
- Rankings: Adjusted how the MSS rank was calculated to exclude the first data collection where everyone has 0 in each stat.
- Site: Added a link to the MSS rank pages on the home page of the site.
Released on June 11, 2024
- Distance Calculator: Fixed an bug when unselecting and re-selecting the leviathan ship would improperly categorize it back with death stars.
Released on June 5, 2024
- Site: Fixed an bug where inputs could shrink to be unusable.
- Site: Accessibility improvements.
- Site: Security improvements.
Released on June 3, 2024
- Battle Calculator: Added a swap button that will swap the attacker and defender.
- Battle Calculator: Fixed a bug where the defenders fleet would get repaired when both the "Repair Attackers Fleet" and "Run Battles until one side is destroyed" options were selected.
- Battle Calculator: Fixed a bug where clicking the "Open Battle Results in New Calculator" would incorrectly repair defending fleet.
- Battle Calculator: Fixed a bug where clicking the "Open Battle Results in New Calculator" would incorrectly reset destroyed fleet to their initial value.
- Site: Fixed an bug that was introduced in the last update with table header widths.
Released on May 31, 2024
- Battle Paste: Added a new tool, Battle Paste, to the site. This tool allows users to share battle reports with the following features:
- Paste in a battle report and have it shown in a clearer way.
- Optional toggle to hide the location of the battle.
- Optional toggle to hide the power, armour and shield of units in the combat. This hides the players technology levels.
- Proper number formatting to make reports easier to read.
- Shows the number of each unit lost.
- Summary of the profit made from the hit.
- A generated link to share with others, that does not require a login.
- Site: Fixed an issue where tables would sometimes be wider than they should be.
Released on May 28, 2024
- Distance Calculator: Fixed an where the arrival time could set wrong from people opening the page in different timezones.
- Site: Improved the tables on certain views so they don't resize.
- Site: Improved tables that shows an increase or decrease in value so the brackets would not wrap to another line on smaller screens.
Released on May 25, 2024
- Rankings: Added new server stat history pages that show the player and guild count as well as the total economy, fleet, technology and experience on the server over time.
- Site: Fixed a bug that would cause tables to become narrower after updating.
Released on May 24, 2024
- Rankings: Fixed an issue where the list players and guilds on a server could not be sorted by weekly X stats.
- Rankings: Updated all list sorting buttons so the text is clickable as well and will toggle between Ascending and Descending sorting.
- Site: Fixed an issue with tables on mobile where the first column would be transparent if the table was being sorted by that column. This caused text to be visible behind as your horizontally scrolled.
- Site: Improved the sticky header on tables when scrolling. This should remove the jitter that can happen.
Released on May 17, 2024
- Rankings: Added a new average for player and guild ranks, the average of the top 25% of Players/Guilds on the server.
- Site: Many small tweaks to improve page performance.
Released on May 16, 2024
- Rankings: Fixed a bug where the week chart button wasn't loading the charts.
- Rankings: Fixed a bug that removed the speed server round from the name of the server.
- Rankings: Updated the speed server player/guild listings to show deleted players by default. Since the server is closed all players are considered deleted.
Released on May 15, 2024
- Battle Calculator: Reworked the saving and loading of tech profiles. There is now a single button called Tech Presets that will show all of the tech profiles you have saved, allow you to save new presets and has quick buttons for setting the tech of United Colonies and Drekons.
- Battle Calculator: Small improvements to the battle report parsing.
- Rankings: Updated the server average to be just a line on the chart instead of a filled in area.
- Rankings: Replaced the "Past Week" section on Player/Guild/NPC detail pages with a growth section that contains toggles to choose to see a Players/Guilds/NPCs growth over 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours or 1 week.
- Rankings: Updated the guild details page to show growth button options above the members list. Changing these will update the members list to show their overall stats as well as their account growth over 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours or 1 week.
- Rankings: Added more chart line colors to help make larger data sets easier to tell apart.
- Rankings: Minor improvements to the loading of charts.
- Rankings: Added an easter egg for the MSS rankings pages.
- Rankings: Added a new "MSS Score" stat that is calculated for each player each in a round. This MSS Score is a custom ranking based on weighting stats differently than the level calculation.
- Derb Split Calc: Added the new version of the debris split calculator to the site.
- Improvements to the overall look and feel of the calculator.
- Improved input controls for typing in locations.
- Added support for loot and preference options for how to account for loot when doing a split.
- Improved the detection of duplicate BR posts.
- Fleet Rallied: Fixed a bug where users with similar names would get their fleet totals mixed up (example Vig and Vigi).
- Site: Fixed a bug on the home page where the GM Tools would overlap on smaller screens.
- Site: Updated the tables to apply a slight highlight to columns that the table is being sorted by.
- Site: Updated some tables to be sorted by default.
Released on April 17, 2024
- Distance Calculator: Fixed an issue on smaller screens where the Ship Speeds Multi-Select would push out of its container.
- Distance Calculator: Fixed an issue with the launch time highlighting.
- Distance Calculator: Changed the date selector to be one that should be a little better when typing dates and times in.
- Rankings: Fixed an issue where the first letter of guild tags would be unintentionally capitalized.
- GM Tools: Added a new section to the site specifically for tools targeting GM's. These tools aim to make the lives and jobs of GM's easier.
- Fleet Rallied: Added the new tool to the GM Tools section called fleet rallied. This tools allows a user to check the percentage of players fleet rallied to a specific location in game.
- Allow a user to select the guild(s) to check.
- Input to paste in the fleet page containing all players names and fleet totals.
- Set Thresholds for what is considered a good, ok and bad amount of fleet gathered.
- Will generate a list of players and the percentage of their fleet that has arrived at the location, is arriving and the total.
- Site: Updated the breakpoint at which the header changes from mobile view to desktop view to account for the added items.
- Site: Changed the default game version for all tools to be the most recently release game version.
- Site: Increased the debounce time on all inputs to 400ms (from 300ms) to help have content not be updated while still typing, especially on mobile.
Released on April 3, 2024
- Battle Calculator: Fixed a rounding bug that would leave unit stats (power, armour, shielding) with 3 decimal places in certain situations.
- Distance Calculator: Fixed an issue where times would be off in the launch tables.
- Rankings: Added a list of previous members to the guild details page. This list shows all players who have been in the guild but are currently not a member.
Released on March 28, 2024
- Distance Calculator: Added the new version of the distance calc to the site.
- Improvements to the overall look and feel of the calculator.
- Improved input controls for typing in locations.
- Switched to using a date and time input for selecting the arrival time rather than a text input.
- Added an input for Anti-Gravity technology if Death Stars are selected as a ship.
- Updated launch tables that will highlight missed launch times in red and upcoming launches in green with the amount of time a launch was missed by or will be in.
- Changed the URL parameter generation to be encoded more efficiently. Old style URL parameters are still supported to be read.
- Changed the ship dropdown to group ships by their speed. This matches how the results are displayed.
- Added the selected ship speeds to the URL parameters so only certain speeds can be shared.
- Added the ability to specify if the server is located in Europe or North America. With this set when a user chooses to show launch times in local time, it can be properly calculated based on the server location.
- Fixed an uncommon rounding issue when calculating a ships speed that would result in the launch times being off by small amounts.
- Properly support Death Stars with the distance calc. They are unaffected by Jump Gate or Wormhole levels and will scale speed with Anti-Gravity levels.
- Battle Calculator: Fixed a bug where opening the battle results in a new window would fill in the starting quantity for defenses not the results.
- Battle Calculator: Fixed a bug where opening the battle results in a new window would not set the correct game version.
- Battle Calculator: Fixed a bug where hitting cancel on the "Parse Battle Report" dialog would not close the dialog.
- Battle Calculator: Updated the battle report parser to pull the server from the report and set the game version to the correct version.
- Battle Calculator: Updated the loading indicators to show a pulsing skeleton of what to expect rather than a spinning indicator.
- Battle Calculator: Fixed a bug when attacking until one side is destroyed the pillage would be added to the profit every battle round.
- Battle Calculator: Improved the Battle Report listing in regards to the estimated repair cost. When attacking until one side is destroyed, repair costs will only be added for the last attack unless the "Repair between attacks" option is selected.
- Battle Calculator: Added some missing translations for the battle report.
- Pillage Calculator: Fixed one of the headings styles to be inline with the rest of the sites headings.
- Rankings: Added the ability to sort players by their weekly income change, for servers that have fleet maintenance.
- Rankings: Fixed a bug introduced in the last update that hid the server averages for players and guilds.
- Rankings: Added a button to the guild details page to open the rankings compare tool with all members from this guild.
- Rankings: Improved the display of server cards on the main rankings page.
- Rankings: Updated the loading indicators for all rankings pages to show a pulsing skeleton of what to expect rather than a spinning indicator.
- Rankings: Updated the rankings compare to include the guild averages as well as the totals. For better comparison between guilds of different sizes.
- Game Tables: Added tables for the different astro types. These tables will show the changes made to astros between game versions.
- Game Tables: Added tables for the different astro positions. These tables will show the changes made to astro positions between game versions.
- Site: Added an indicator to the navigation as to which page the user is currently on.
- Site: Fixed a few inconsistencies with the mobile view navigation.
Released on Feb 12, 2024
- Battle Calculator: Added a button to parse the structure list for bases into the defense values for the calculator.
- Battle Calculator: Added buttons to save and load player detail profiles. These profiles consist of technology, command center, commander and player level. Like the current save/load functionality.
- Rankings: Fixed some styling issues where the lading indicator would appear over the footer content on certain screen sizes.
- Rankings: Fixed a bug where specifying a custom date range for charts would not update the chart.
- Rankings: Added a new page for each server called Rank Comparison. This page can be used to select any number of players, guilds or NPCs on a server and have their latest stats appear in a table as well as charts below for deeper comparisons. The URL will update with the selected players, guilds or NPCs so a comparison can easily be shared with others.
- Rankings: To go with the new comparison page the server list has had a new button added for going straight to the compare page.
- Rankings: To go with the new comparison page, player guild and NPC detail pages have had a compare button added that will open the comparison page with that player, guild or NPC pre selected.
Released on Feb 8, 2024
- Site: Performance improvements and monitoring for debounced inputs.
- Battle Calculator: Fixed a bug where adding a defense to the defender would update the attackers minimum tech instead of the defenders.
Released on Feb 6, 2024
- Site: Added a small debounce delay to all inputs for improved performance.
- Battle Calculator: Improved the performance (especially on mobile) when using the calculator.
- Battle Calculator: Fixed the battle report parsing so that reports with Command Centers and Tactical commanders will generate the correct tech levels.
- Battle Calculator: Fixed player levels not including decimal places when being loaded from a URL.
- Battle Calculator: Fixed the battle report not being refreshed if the "Repair attackers fleet before next attack" was selected after an attack was made.
- Battle Calculator: Fixed pillage amounts appearing on all battle reports if "Run battles until one side is destroyed" was selected. Now only appears on the last report and the total results report.
Released on Feb 3, 2024
- Rankings: Updated the charts sizing to be more dynamic between smaller and larger screen sizes.
- Rankings: Updated the tooltip that shows on charts so that the date now includes the time.
- Rankings: Updated the tooltip that shows on charts so that any numbers are now properly formatted as per the users choices.
- Rankings: Lowered the cache time on rank results so that it will update more frequently and be out of date less often.
- Site: Added the current version of the tool in the footer of the site.
Released on Feb 1, 2024
The version 3 release details has all the main features that were included in the initial beta release. V3 Update.