Your one stop shop for tools and stats for Astro Empires.

Planning your next hit? Syncing a launch against an enemy? Checking on a player / guilds rank? We have the tools for that and more!


Track your progress and compare yourself with the best players and guilds in Astro Empires. See their ranking history, activity and more.

Battle Calculator

Simulate any attack in Astro Empires and see the results. Check if your fleet can defeat your enemy or if you need more ships or allies.

Distance Calculator

Coordinate your fleets with ease in Astro Empires. Find out when each ship should leave a common origin to arrive at the same destination at the same time.

Pillage Calculator

Maximize your profits from raiding planets in Astro Empires. Estimate how much income you can loot from your enemies and plan your attacks accordingly.

Debris Split Calculator

Share the spoils of war fairly in Astro Empires. Calculate how much debris each player deserves based on their contribution and expenses.

Detection Calculator

Avoid being detected or catch your foes off guard in Astro Empires. Determine the detection time or the fleet size for any stealthy operation.

Level Calculator

Calculate your level in Astro Empires based on your economy, fleet and technology. See who you can attack and who can attack you and how to modify your level.

Fleet Maintenance Calculator

Balance your fleet and your economy in Astro Empires. See the optimal fleet size for your economy and the extra cost for exceeding it. Also see the required economy for any fleet size.

Battle Paste

A tool that can be used to share battle reports with others. Just paste in a battle report into the text box and click the 'Share' button. You can then share the link with others.

Game Tables

Find all the information you need about the game in Astro Empires. See the costs, requirements and other details for all structures, ships, defenses and technologies.

Cost Calculator

Calculate the total cost of training commanders and researching technologies in Astro Empires. See the total cost, time and resources required to reach the desired level.

Max Fleet Supported

Calculate the maximum fleet size given the total production value for an account in Astro Empires. See the maximum fleet size based on the total production value.

GM Tools

A collection of tools to help GMs manage their guilds.

Fleet Rallied

Find out how much fleet each player has rallied to a common location in Astro Empires. This tool will compare the fleet totals for guilds to the provide list of players and fleets to generate the percentage of fleet that player has rallied.