AEBits version 3 is here and it comes with a lot of changes and improvements to the older version. Below is the list of changes that have been made
Design Change
The site has been completely rebuilt and as part of that process the overall design has been updated for a more modern look.
These changes include a new logo, new color scheme, accessibility improvements, large improvements to how tables are displayed, faster load times and a general polish to the overall site.
Light/Dark Mode
One of the bigger design changes is the introduction of light and dark modes for the site. Located in the top right corner users can choose which option suites them better.
Care has been taken to make sure the colors used provide the most contrast possible so all users can easily read the site.
Users can now choose their preferred language to view the site in! The available languages are English, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, Portuguese and Chinese. It is important to note that all non-English languages were translated using AI and may not be 100% correct. Please let me know if you see any issues in any language!
Users can also choose how numbers are displayed on the site.
Both of these options are available in the localization menu in the top right of the screen next to the light/dark mode toggle.

Ranking Changes
There have been several changes to how the ranks page looks and runs with this update.
- Rank data is now collected every 2 hours instead of every 12. After 2 weeks the hourly data is compressed down to a single data point for the day.
- The Server listing page now shows the most recent server first and includes filtering and sorting options.
- The player/guild listing page shows when each player was last updated, filters out deleted accounts by default (they can be included if needed) and has more advanced sorting options.
- The player details now include the players fleet maintenance, for servers that have it, as well as the players income. There are also other stats included like total income for the account, total spent on fleet maintenance and other stats.
- The guild details have an improved members list that shows the current and weekly changes for each member of the guild. The table can be sorted by any of the columns.
- The NPC details now include details about the NPC including spawn times, tech levels and other information on how each one works.
- For players, guilds and NPCs the charts have been updated to a new charting library and have quick filters for showing data for the past day, week, month, year or showing all time data. A custom date range can also be used to really filter the charts down.
- Support for showing the community events Mini Server Starts has been added to help show how players are doing in that event.
Battle Calc Changes
The battle calc has had a few updates and improvements.
- An improved layout where Technology, Command Centers, Commanders, Attacker Level, Fleet and Defense are more clearly separate from one another with the ability to hide sections that are not needed.
- The calculations for the battle calc have been moved from client side to server side. The formal used is still my formula but this is in preparation for updating to the actual battle calc formula. Part of a deal with Wizard to get the actual battle code was to move the calculation to be server side.
- Added indicators that display while the results are being calculated.
- When the results are displayed if some units are lost the amount lost will be shown below the results in brackets. If all units are lost this is not shown.
- Added the pillage economy and income to the URL parameters so they will be auto filled when a link is shared.
- Fixed a long standing bug that would miscalculate a ships power if a combat included a tactical commander, command centers and a Leviathan or Death Star
- Added a new option to run attacks until the attacker or defender have no fleet/defenses left. The resulting battle report will show each individual report as well as a total report that will add each individual report up.
Distance Calc Changes
The distance calc has had a few updates and improvements.
- Improvements to the overall look and feel of the calculator.
- Improved input controls for typing in locations.
- Switched to using a date and time input for selecting the arrival time rather than a text input.
- Properly support Death Stars with the distance calc. They are unaffected by Jump Gate or Wormhole levels and their speed will scale speed with entered Anti-Gravity levels.
- Added the ability to specify if the server is located in Europe or North America. With this set when a user chooses to show launch times in local time, it can be properly calculated based on the server location.
- Changed the ship dropdown to group ships by their speed. This matches how the results are displayed.
- Changed the URL parameter generation to be encoded more efficiently and added the selected server location, ship speeds and anti-gravity levels to the URL parameters. Old style URL parameters are still supported to be read.
- Fixed an uncommon rounding issue when calculating a ships speed that would result in the launch times being off by small amounts.
Pillage Calc Changes
The pillage calc has had the design improved and the formulas updated to support the changes to pillaging in different versions of the server.
Debris Split Calc Changes
The debris split calc has had a few updates and improvements.
- Improvements to the overall look and feel of the calculator.
- Improved input controls for typing in locations.
- Added support for loot and preference options for how to account for loot when doing a split.
- Improved the detection of duplicate BR posts.
Detection Calc Changes
The detection calc has been updated to include options to split fleet into groups and calculate detection times based off of the largest group.
This update also includes the ability to specify fleet size by a number or to specify the fleet composition. Using the fleet composition provides much more accurate fleet splitting calculations.
Level Calc Changes
The level calculator has been updated to the new design as well as improved the calculations around economy/fleet that needs to be dropped to hit a lower level target.
Fleet Maintenance Calc Changes
This calculator just had its style updated and minor improvements to usability and displaying of results.
NEW Game Tables
Added a tool that shows the standard game tables (Technology, Structures, Defenses and Units) but allows you to select the game version and will highlight the changes from version 1.5 to that version. This provides a quick way to see how game version differ from one another.
NEW Battle Paste
A new tool for sharing/saving battle reports. No login required, a unique URL is generated with all the data needed. Battle reports format the numbers correctly, show units lost and the attackers profit.
NEW GM Tools
A new set of tools aimed at helping GMs and other leaders.
Fleet Rallied
A new tool that helps determine how much fleet players have rallied to a specific location. Select the guild, or guilds, to check and paste in the fleet list from the location you want to check. The tool will then compare the fleet list to the guild(s) to determine what percentage of fleet each player has rallied at that location.